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The events organized by the Fondazione Claudia Lombardi per il teatro are promoted and supported by the Association and take place in the Foundation headquarters in Via Càsoro 2, 6918 Lugano-Figino

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Amandina - non badate a me

With a tribute to shyness and solitude as possible ingredients of the creative act, Noemi Bresciani takes us into the playful world of Amandina, a talented creature who puts on a show all by herself...

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gARTen - theatre in the park

For three evenings, our garden opens up to everyone who wants to immerse themselves in a lively summer environment filled with art, music, and social interaction. The event, focused on theater and its related forms, includes prose, dance, and physical theatre, featuring the participation of young artists.

A photo exhibition, talks, DJ sets, and a food village complete the atmosphere, offering a dynamic and engaging experience. death.

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Sarebbe una grande idea

"Sarebbe una grande idea" stages the relationship between two brothers, their thirst for success, and their ambitions.

The show starts with the two brothers finding themselves in front of their mother's coffin, in the living room of the house where they grew up. They are waiting for the arrival of the funeral home. The eldest, Tony, is a TV presenter and reality show host. The second, Pietro, works in the dining area of a fast-food restaurant on the outskirts and is the only one of the two who lived with their mother until her death.

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𝘉𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘢 - 𝘈𝘵𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘢 𝘪𝘭 𝘣𝘰𝘴𝘤𝘰, 𝘴𝘢𝘭𝘪 𝘭𝘢 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘢 𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘤𝘢 𝘪𝘭 𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘭𝘰 is a show for children aged 3 and up, presented as part of “Il maggiolino,” the festival of theater, dance, art, and music for early childhood organized by Teatro Pan.

The journey begins with a path, the one from school to home, and in this span of time and space, the everyday is explored, along with the repetition of gestures and their variations. In a familiar route, what is repeated and what changes every day? What is familiar and what is not? What is "strange" and what is "normal"?

Fuori dagli schermi!

A journey to discover what lies behind the phone: the actress shares the stage with the digital assistant Siri, always ready to help its users navigate traffic, count calories, and find their soulmate. But what happens when Siri needs help?

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#nuovipoveri is a show that investigates the relationships between economy and society, representation and narration of the concepts of wealth and poverty. Who are the "new poor" today? How do they narrate themselves to themselves and to society? How does society narrate them? And how much truth is there in these narratives?

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Ecologia capitalista

Ecologia capitalista tells the story of a boy who questions the world around him. At the centre of the work is our current reality: the questions the boy asks are those of an individual who is aware that the world is changing, and one day we will not see it as we see it today.

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Carte mute

"Theatre should be only a meeting between human beings. Everything else serves to confuse," wrote Ingmar Bergman. Humanity experiencing the theatre, whether in the audience or on stage, shares its own story, sometimes by telling it, as actors do, and at other times just by listening. One thing is certain: the experience of a performance always changes us, and we never leave a theatre the same as when we entered.

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We find ourselves in a room of the mind, remembering. The one who remembers is Itria: a Sicilian woman. Hers is a "repitu," a funeral lament. The narrative begins with the lament. Everything intertwines like in a whirlwind of memories and emotions, a continuous succession of flashbacks and abrupt returns to the present.

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Le camaleontesse

Theatre performance for children

It all begins like a tale, but a sudden storm catapults the narrator into a world of fantastical characters where she discovers that she is more than what she thought: she is a chameleon! In the magical space of the theater, anything is possible, even meeting another chameleon like herself, and deciding in an instant to embark together on a journey of discovery, transforming with the touch of every story, color, and emotion.

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Theatre performance for children

Bubu is a little owl that - contrary to his nature - is afraid of the dark. Thanks to the help of his mother and the characters he meets, Bubu will discover the many shades of darkness and overcome his fears.

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Fiabe dal mondo

Theatre performance for children

By and with Moira Dellatorre

Moira Dellatorre presents an animated narration, accompanied by traditional and new songs, and invite the audience to discover ancient legends and mysterious worlds.

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festival di teatro nel parco

Per quattro serate gli spazi esterni della Fondazione si sono aperti a tutti coloro che hanno voluto immergersi in un ambiente estivo e vivace, tra arte, musica e socialità. La manifestazione, incentrata sul teatro e sui linguaggi ad esso connessi, ha compreso prosa, danza, physical theatre, narrazione e poesia, vedendo il coinvolgimento di artisti emergenti e affermati.

Interviste, talk, dj set e food village hanno completato l’atmosfera, per un’esperienza dinamica e coinvolgente.

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Voci di dentro

stagione teatrale 2022/23

Una rassegna per bambini e famiglie, il debutto dello spettacolo vincitore del bando testinscena®, gli spettacoli di nuova drammaturgia, un festival estivo, le residenze artistiche, le occasioni formative e le collaborazioni: è questa la proposta della Fondazione Claudia Lombardi per il teatro per la stagione teatrale 2022/2023.

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Ghita, storia della Fornarina

Testo di Simone Faloppa e Giulia Viana con il contributo di Giulia Bellucci e Giacomo Ferraù. Con Giulia Bellucci. Regia Giacomo Ferraù.

In un Venerdì Santo di 500 anni fa, il mondo perde Raffaello Sanzio, il divino pittore. Accanto a lui, però, non vi è traccia di colei che ha rappresentato il suo più grande amore: Margherita Luti, nota come la Fornarina.

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Il merluzzo surgelato

Produzione Kontra Moenia

Uno spazio, una sedia e due donne di generazioni diverse, interpretate da un’unica attrice. Mentre ricorda la casa della nonna, la nipote viaggia tra le immagini della propria infanzia ma qualcosa va storto, perché si imbatte in ricordi che non sono i suoi...

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Immortalia. Oltre l'uomo

produzione Teatro Valicante
concetto di Michele Rezzonico, con Ettore Chiummo e Michele Rezzonico, regia David Labanca, scenografia Carmelo Mulé, disegno luci Anthony Bellwald

Immortalia - Oltre l’Uomo, che vede in scena Ettore Chiummo e Michele Rezzonico, esplora quel rapporto così complesso che lega l’uomo alla tecnologia. Chiummo e Rezzonico lo fanno con la cifra che li contraddistingue, con ironia e sensibilità.

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Anche per oggi non si muore - Lo strano caso del Signor G

Produzione ATIR con il sostegno di Fondazione Claudia Lombardi per il teatro

Sono passati già vent’anni dalla scomparsa di 𝗚𝗶𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗼 𝗚𝗮𝗯𝗲𝗿.

Anche per oggi non si muore, con Stefano Orlandi e regia di Omar Nedjari, vuole omaggiare l’inventore del teatro canzone, ripercorrendo le tappe principali della sua produzione.

Il Signor G, personaggio nato dal genio di Gaber, è un uomo qualunque. Orfano del suo autore (come uno dei sei personaggi di Pirandello), decide qui di porre fine alla sua esistenza, ma, per uno scherzo del destino…

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Compagnia Agemò Teatro

Ad aprire la rassegna La nuova drammaturgia è Giostra, spettacolo vincitore dell’edizione 2022 del bando testinscena®, il concorso di scrittura teatrale inedita promosso e sostenuto dalla Fondazione.

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Artist residences

For the third consecutive year, the Foundation offers professional artists the opportunity to work on a project, research, experiment and grow in a week-long artistic residency.

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Chapeau rouge e chapeau noir

Spettacolo per bambini dai 5 anni in su

di Sugo d’inchiostro
con Francesco Mariotta e Marco Mottai

Chapeau rouge e Chapeau noir è uno spettacolo pacifico e divertente che, ispirandosi ad un racconto di Roberto Piumini, ci fa guardare, con occhi di bambino, una delle più grandi assurdità umane e ci fa chiedere: “che cosa posso fare per assumermi la responsabilità di un pezzetto di pace?”.

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Spettacolo per bambini dai 5 anni in su

di e con Antonio Brugnano

FantasticaMente è il racconto di un narratore un po' distratto che, fra il serio e il clownesco, darà vita alle storie di alcuni dei più grandi autori per l'infanzia: Gianni Rodari, Italo Calvino e i fratelli Grimm.

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Aspettando CartaSìa

Spettacolo per bambini

Ad aprire la rassegna per tutta la famiglia è la storia di Bruno, artista geniale, ora in crisi. Solo e senza nessun contatto con l'esterno, a poche ore da una mostra d’arte che potrebbe renderlo famoso, non è ancora riuscito a creare la sua opera. A trarlo d'impaccio dal blocco creativo sarà la materia stessa, la Carta, grezza prima e raffinata poi, che, nonostante i desideri e la volontà di Bruno, diventerà sempre più indipendente, fino a fargli scoprire che il modo migliore per stare al mondo è aprire la porta e lasciare che ognuno, compresi noi stessi, vada con le proprie gambe per la strada che desidera.

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gARTen 2022

Cultural Talk hosted by Andrea Fazioli, with artists Zeno Gabaglio, Alberto Nessi, and Silvano Repetto who will present the performance Riflessi Poetici.

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Meet the artist Eva Antonini

gARTen 2022

Mee the artist Eva Antonini, with a contemporary dance performance by Mattia Cantoni, also known as EL.

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Abracadabra, incantesimi di Mario Mieli

gARTen 2022

Theatre performance by and with Irene Serini, produced by Maurizio Guagnetti

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Meet the artist Cesare De Vita

gARTen 2022

Meet the artist Cesare De Vita e performance musicale di Luciano Zampar

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Aspettando Cartasìa

Theatre performance

Presenteremo, in collaborazione con il Municipio di Morcote, lo spettacolo "Aspettando Cartasìa" della compagnia Drogheria Rebelot.

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Diario di una classe

Theatre performance

A project by the Fondazione Claudia Lombardi per il teatro and Scuola Speciale Cantonale.

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Theatre performance

by Alberto Saibene and Egidia Bruno
with Egidia Bruno

Rosella is the story of a girl born in a village in the south of Italy, who moves to Milan during the years of the economic boom. Like millions of people, she's attracted by the work opportunities, the myth of the big city and - in her case - by the desire to escape an excessively patriarchal environment.

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Amy & Blake

Theatre performance

By Chiara Zingarello, ideation and direction Alice Conti, with Alice Conti and Lorenzo Zanghielli (live music), Compagnia Ortika

A tragicomic musical performance dedicated to the life and work of Amy Winehouse, a contemporary hero who lived everything, loved too much, and burnt too fast.

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RoomTheatre is an itinerant experience, a collaborative event. Spectators will be accompanied in an interactive journey in an unusual place for for an artistic event: the rooms, hallways, stairs and bistrot of the Hotel De La Paix.

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Un mondo a colori

Theatre performance

By Alessandra Cattori, with Davide Gagliardi and Alessandra Cattori
Compagnia Patatrakkete

Romolo is a very stressed man who is always busy. He sees the world in black and white, until he meets a cheerful little girl who helps him discover that colours still exist and that he too can start seeing the world in all its beauty.

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Love is in the hair

Theatre performance

by and with Laura Pozone

A suburban hair salon, where the same characters have been meeting for years. Five very different women, each staging their own comedic performance. One unexpected event will force them to spend an entire night in the salon. There will be secrets, plot twists, masks will fall off and true personalities will be revealed. Prejudices will be proven wrong, and hair extensions fall out.

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Opera Shot - Turandot

Theatre performance

With Stefano Iagulli and Elisabetta Lucchetti Raimondi, music with Roberto Dibitonto

Opera Shot is a project for the dissemination of Lyrical Opera aimed at a wide audience, to bring the beauty of Opera to places it usually doesn't reach, where it's most needed.

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L'ultimo eroe

Theatre performance

by and with Daniele Bianco, Compagnia Grande Giro

A buffoon enchants the crowd with a story of a hero that wants to save the world: disasters, deserts, monsters with a thousand faces, stars, planets, the universe and time. Fear and bravery, wonder and desperation.

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A mini-musical by Luca Chieregato, with Luca Chieregato and Stefano Zaninello

Tina the Witch is desperate: she never knows which invention to bring to the scary invention competition. But here comes an outlandish idea: it’s the cat that spills the ingredients into the witch’s cauldron…what will come out of it?

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Natale a Càsoro

A Christmas market to celebrate the magic of Christmas, with entertainment for the entire family, including a theatre performance for children, live music and many more surprises!

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Dansonography was born from the collabration between dancer and coreographer Alessia Della Casa, multimedia artist Roberto Mucchiut and musicians and composers Kety Fusco and Alessio Sabella. The artists explore the many universes that can be brought to life by combining images, sounds and scenic movements and their evocative power.

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Caspar e lo gnomo

Theatre performance for children

by and with Moira Dellatorre, direction Laura Rullo

What does it take to be happy? Little, and Caspar knows it well. He would already be delighted with a donut, some roasted chestnuts, even better a gnome, which draws his attention more than anything else to that market stall. But Caspar doesn't have a penny. However, he does not lose heart, who knows maybe one day he will be able to buy that funny gnome, grumpy, nice and a bit of a bungler. But where does this story come from? And who tells us? A strange character, who will prove to be very, very important ...

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Sea Wall

by Simon Stephens, with Fabrizio Lombardo

An intimate monologue: a father talks to us - with simplicity - about his family. A speech that could seem casual, but that under the surface asks the most important questions about the very nature of life.
A piece that explores the terrifying depths that hide under the sunlit surface of daily life.

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Imagine being part of a group and being accompanied through an experiential pathway. Imagine poetry, photography, theatre, painting and sculpture which come alive in the rooms of an 18th century villa, and imagine that behind every door, lies a glimpse of a world. RoomTheatre would like to be your itinerant performance, your sensory voyage.

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The Fondazione Claudia Lombardi per il teatro presents the second edition of gARTen, an exhibition of sculptures in the Park by local artists. This year, the connecting theme is The Feminine. Throughout the summer, works by sculptors Gabriela Spector and Tiziana Mucchiani-Farah will be on display, sculptures which share formal and thematic elements pertaining to the feminine universe. The fifteen sculptures will be displayed throughout the sculpture garden, with an accompanying QR code providing an instructive path through the Park.

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Càsoro in Festa

Càsoro in Festa is an event which brings together art, music, theatre and gastronomy within the lovely surroundings of the Foundation’s Park. An evening brought to life by the talents of young local performers, full of surprises and entertainment for the whole family.

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La donna e il simbolo

Life drawing workshop

A one-day workshop to learn the basic life drawing techniques, led by artist Gabriela Spector, on the occasion of the current exhibition "gARTen - the feminine in all its forms"

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Theatrical Residence Project 2021

With this theatrical residence project, the Foundation has decided to offer artists the possibility of continuing their work, providing them with the opportunity to use this period of pandemic closure to dedicate their time for research and artistic growth in beneficial preparation for the time when theatres will open once again.

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Scrivere... è una parola

Creative writing workshop with Luca Chieregato

This creative writing workshop will give you the tools to explore the beautiful and mysterious world of narration. Together we will tackle a few key words to help us untangle the world of of writing, imagination and creativity. There are no prerequisites to participate in this workshop…all you’ll need is a piece of paper, a pen and…a word!

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Sasan nella terra del fuoco

Theatre performance for children

Compagnia delle lunghe orecchie, with Anna Kiskanç and Alina Vanini

In the faraway Land of Fire lives Sasán, a child who wants to grow up quickly to go hunting guanacos, meet the spirits, build campsites and learn to swim, just like the adults of his tribe. But for him it’s always too soon. Will he be able to wait for the right moment to jump into new and unknown activities?

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Theatre performance

by and with Stefano Iagulli

It’s the 14th of August of a not very important year, in a small village on the coast of Puglia. It’s the day of the patronal festival, the Madonna dell’Altomare. And it’s also the day that 14-year-old Vincenzo has been waiting with hope, joy, fear (or rather pure terror). That day Vincenzo has a plan, and there is no time to lose. That is THE day, the first and the last.

Telling this story is a narrator who gives a voice, sometimes a body, sometimes just a shadow, to the colourful characters who make an appearance in this special day in Vincenzo’s life. Seven chapters, seven characters. Guest star: the Madonna dell’Altomare.
Boom, boom, boom, cannon shots. There is no time to lose.

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Un alt(r)o Everest

Theatre performance

by and with Mattia Fabris and Jacopo Maria Bicocchi
Compagnia (S)legati

Jim Davidson and Mike Price are two friends. In 1992 they decided to climb ‘their’ mountain: Mount Rainier in the American state of Washington. But things never go as we expect, and this climb will not just be about the conquering of a summit…

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Sculpture exhibition

gARTen is an exhibition of sculptures set in the park of the Foundation, featuring artworks by several local artists working on our territory. The aim of the exhibition is to create an enjoyable experience for all visitors, give them a breath of fresh air, an opportunity to smile and enjoy their environment.

The five artists featured are Giada Bianchi, Manuela Mollwitz, Pascal Murer, Gianmarco Torriani e Giorgia Voneschen.

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Càsoro in Festa

Theatre, performances, live music, dj set, activities for children, barbeque, food truck and refreshments.

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Roba minima, s'intend

Musical performance

Concert by and with Stefano Orlandi, songs by Enzo Jannacci.

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Summer events in the park

The park of the Foundation, adorned with the sculptures of the gARTen exhibition, comes back to life after a long break.
The entire summer will be filled with events, meetings with artists, lectures and performances.

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Festival Vasi Comunicanti, 2nd Edition

Second edition of the Vasi Comunicanti festival in Lugano, Morcote, Porto Ceresio and Ponte Tresa.

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Le rotaie della memoria

Theatre performance

by Giulia Viana and Giacomo Ferraù, with Giulia Viana
Compagnia Eco di Fondo

“Le rotaie della memoria” originated in 2002 from historical research into the persecuted anti-fascist resistance fighter and politician from the Ticino valley Albino Calletti. The piece is set in 2003 and in narrative form Albino Calletti recounts his life: the communist youth Federation in Castelletto Ticino, his imprisonment, the war in Russia, his experience as a partisan and his return home.

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Aldilà di tutto

Theatre performance

by and with Valentina Picello and Chiara Stoppa
Compagnia ATIR

Following the great success of “Il ritratto della Salute” in 2010, a theatre performance apparently about the theme of cancerous tumors but really about the larger dimension of the choices one makes in life, now Chiara Stoppa has decided to confront an even more complex theme: death and the accompanying path towards it.

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Le mille e una notte

Theatre performance for teenagers

with Veronica Battista, Viviana Gnesa, Matteo Casoni and Katya Troise
Compagnia Storie di Scintille

On the night of a full moon, the Sultan Shazaman returns to his castle to find his wife embracing another man. Furious at the betrayal, he decrees a new and terrible law: every week he will marry a new wife, and on the morning following the marriage, he will have her killed upon the first crow of the rooster.

The whole Kingdom of Shazaman is upset, of course, by this news. But the clever and beautiful Sharazade has a plan: she decides to voluntarily marry the Sultan, and on the night of their marriage, begins to tell the story of a fisherman who one day finds a bottle in his fishing net, and inside the bottle there is a genie who…and so begins the tale of a thousand and one nights.

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December lights

Christmas light show projection on the Càsoro building by Roberto Mucchiut

Natale a Càsoro

Christmas markets, “Nella Notte di Betlemme” theatre performance for the whole family, mulled wine, polenta and more. In collaboration with Coro di Barbengo and Grancia (Presepi nel nucleo di Cadepiano).

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"Albero" Mostra collettiva degli artisti di Càsoro

In Càsoro there are about fourty artists who have created their own ateliers. Some of these artists will exhibit their work and meet the public in a group exhibition titled “Albero” (“Tree”).

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Sonnambuli - Il vuoto di te, il vuoto del mio cuore

Compagnia Domesticalchimia

Premiere of the winning project of the testinscena® competition 2019. At Teatro FOCE, Via alla Foce 1, Lugano.

"Sonnambuli" (Sleepwalkers) is a noir, a love story that takes place on a thin line between brutality and tenderness...

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Nonna Cannella e la luna

Theatre performance for children

Written and performed by Moira Dellatorre

The moon goes for a visit to a gracious grandmother who suffers from insomnia, and suggests a way for her to help pass the time: make cookies. Meanwhile, in her town, a cooking contest has been announced…will our dear grandmother be able to astonish them?

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Tra cinque minuti in scena

Movie directed by Laura Chiossone with the participation of the actress Gianna Coletti.
Introduction by the Associazione Alzheimer Ticino regarding some of the problems involved with Alzheimer’s disease
Mattia Bertoldi presents his book “Come tanti piccoli ricordi”,

This presentation is dedicated to the delicate issue of Alzheimer’s and the role of the family in handling their aging family members who are no longer autonomous. Ombretta Moccetti, director of the Section Alzheimer Ticino, together with Mattia Bertoldi author of the book "Come tanti piccoli ricordi", will introduce this issue, followed by a showing of the film “Tra cinque minuti in scena”, concluding with remarks by the actress Gianna Coletti, author of the book “Mamma a carico – mia figlia ha novant’anni”. “Mother care – my daughter is 90 years old”.

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Il ladro di risate

Theatre performance for children

Compagnia Patatrakkete, with Davide Gagliardi and Alessandra Cattori

A terribly bad and very sly thief has decided to rob the most precious thing in existence: laughter! Will he succeed in his terrible deed?

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La madre

by Silvana Lattmann
with Cristina Zamboni
introduction by Prof. Antonio Rossi

A reading dramatised by Cristina Zamboni from Silvana Lattmann’s text, with an introduction to the life and work of the author by Prof. Antonio Rossi.

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Il fondo del sacco

by Plinio Martini
with Margherita Saltamacchia and Daniele Dell’Agnola

A stage reading of the novel by Plinio Martini. The evening will be introduced by Mattia Pini and Matteo Ferrari, curators of the annotated edition of Il fondo del sacco.

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Minority Party & Spòros

As part of Festival Ticino in Danza

The Fondazione Claudia Lombardi per il teatro will host one of the three events of the Festival Ticino in Danza, with the world premiere of the choreography by Ariella Vidach AiEP, MINORITY PARTY, followed by SPÒROS, an audiovisual art performance by Roberto Mucchiut and Elena Boillat.

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Vasi Comunicanti

Theatre, territory and culture straddling the border

KARAKORUM TEATRO and FONDAZIONE CLAUDIA LOMBARDI PER IL TEATRO present a resident theatre project in the three towns of Lugano-Figino (CH), Morcote (CH) and Porto Ceresio (I). Three professional actors – Laura Zeolla, Stefano Beghi and Marco Di Stefano – will reside on location for one week. In each of the three towns the actors will work on issues that are important to a border region: work in Porto Ceresio, migration in Càsoro (Lugano-Figino), and language in Morcote. At the end of the project, three site-specific performances will come to life, representing three chapters of one great story that will showcase the history of the Ceresio region and its people.
Memories, stories, trades and conflicts of the local communities will once again come to life, in the very same place where they were first born.

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Càsoro in Festa

Theatre, performances, light show, live music and dj set

Càsoro in Festa is the event that welcomes summer in the suggestive location of Càsoro. An evening dedicated to theatre and the talent of local young performers. From 18:00 onwards resident artists will open their atelier to the public, which will be followed by an aperitif with live music and the show “Performance a Km Zero” by Maria Pilar Pérez Aspa. The night will then continue with latin music and a light show by Roberto Mucchiut.

Occhio all'orecchio

Poetic readings by Margherita Coldesina and Gilberto Isella

When poetry goes on stage, the gaze and the listening proceed in symbiosis until a mysterious unity is created.

The evening is accompanied by warm South American rhythms interpreted by guitarist Manuele Colacci and percussionist Diego Calasso.

Piccoli universi sentimentali

Theatre performance for children

From an idea by Antonio Catalano, with Cinzia Morandi

The observation of what’s infinitely small, in order to discover that “everyday things hide secrets for those who know how to look and listen” (Gianni Rodari)

A poetical universe where everything takes a new meaning dictated by imagination, and where there is an infinite amount of space to create and participate.

Storie al lavatoio

Theatre performance for children

By and with Vicky De Stephanis

During laundry in a bowl, the rhythmic and singing rubbing of the washerwoman makes anecdotes and adventures of Princess Nasone emerge from the water: a Ticino legend with fairy-tale features for young and old interpreted by sheets and socks that, as if by magic, come to life turning into the funny characters of the story.

La Molli

Theatre performance

By Gabriele Vacis, with Arianna Scommegna

What Molli shares are whispered confessions, murmured secrets. The stream of words is the same stream of consciousness of the character of Joyce, who fills a sleepless night with thoughts and lies, and awaits the return home of her husband Leopold, just like Molli awaits Poldi.

Storie invernali

Theatre performance for children

By and with Moira Dellatorre

From the fog and the cold appear funny and mysterious characters who need some help (or even just some company…)